The Seagull Soundings
The newsletter for Lakeside Terrace Residents
Welcome to our new neighbors: Joseph Killigrew from New York who is now at 15 Lakewood Lane; Dan & Marica also from New York wintering at 17 Lakewood Lane and Fay and Marvin Adams from Florida who will be full time residents at 62 Wintergreen Drive.
AUGUST BIRTHDAYS: Betty Connolly, Jack Henefelt, Ellen Lueker, Gloria Matias, Bob McMurtrie, Fred Mitsch, Judy Nenning, Dot Sipe, Al Sumrall, Bonnie Wehling
AUGUST ANNIVERSARIES: Dave & Jan Bohlinger, Wilbur & Janet Cutler, Bruce & Jean Hatch, Ron & Lee Hayden, Jack & Nita Henefelt, Jack & Phyllis Levengood, Bob & Bonnie Wehling
FYI: If you have need of the slips for putting items for sale into the Seagull, you will find them next to the Seagull blue box in the clubhouse.
Also, if you have any new ideas or comments for the web page please let me know and if you have anything that you may want to share with the rest of our community, please send it to me at and please include your name. You can also e-mail me from the Lakeside Terrace web site:
1. Two can live as cheaply as one, for half as long.
2. One nice thing about egotists: They don't talk about other people.
3. If the world were a logical place, men would ride horses sidesaddle.
4. They told me I was gullible...and I believed them.
5. What if there were no hypothetical questions.
Can't believe it is time for the August Seagull - where does the time go? There isn't a lot to report from here. The hurricanes have steered clear of our area so far and hopefully they will continue to do so. We did get some rain and wind from Dennis but no damage. It is nice to drive around the park and see the homes that were damaged from the hurricanes last year are finally being repaired.
It won't be long and we will start to see the arrival of our friends from up north. We have a lot of things planned for the winter and hope that you will join us. We still have a need for volunteers to chair the Thanksgiving Dinner and Easter Dinner. If you are interested, please contact me either by phone -352-728-8121 e-mail - or mail 20 Lakeview Drive.
Lynne Seeley
Thanksgiving Dinner
Christmas Party
Sally Cannon
Christmas Light Up/Chili Dinner
Larry & Lynne Seeley
Home Alone Christmas Dinner
Harold & Charlotte Spence
Get to Know Your Neighbor
Board Officers
Surprise Event - Tentative*
Jan Bohlinger
Valentine's Party
Nancy Wood
Tag Sale
Jean McFerren
Come to the Islands
Jan Bohlinger
Nothing scheduled yet 
I'd like to encourage our residents to participate in our activities and also to ask for volunteers to help either chair a committee or work on a committee. It is work but you'd really be surprised how much fun it can be. We have been very fortunate that so many people have offered to chair our events. They have done a fantastic job but we don't want to take advantage of their generosity. We need new faces and new ideas - WE NEED YOU!!!!! You may find this winter that an event might not be happening - simple reason will be - no one stepped up to take the chairperson's responsibility. You can be co-chair with someone - it doesn't have to be just one person. I know that previous chair people would be happy to advise you. The people who have been chairing our monthly events are sometimes also helping out on our weekly events.
Lakeside Terrace is fortunate to have so many activities. These activities are definitely helpful in selling homes in our community. Over the summer I have had the opportunity to talk to a number of prospective buyers and they always ask "What is there to do?" The list is too long to mention them all but most of the people are amazed at what is available right here in our community. Most of the activities are made possible by the Social Club (financially and/or supplies). The Social Club members who give their time and effort to provide these activities are to be commended and thanked.
Hot Tub/Spa Update: As of today (7/25) the first step has started. The old spa equipment needs to be dug out and the new equipment put in the digging has begun. Chet has notified the company installing the spa that the process is moving along.
The officers of both groups and the managers are happy to address your questions, comments or suggestions. We are occasionally approached at various activities or events and at those times can't address your concerns effectively. We don't want to discourage your input but we would like to enjoy the same fun and relaxing activities/facilities that you do. Both Boards are trying to keep our residents informed via the bulletin boards and/or articles in the Seagull. So if we ask for you to contact us at a later date and/or time or suggest you contact the managers, we hope you understand.
Well, I think it's time to head to the pool. Hope you are continuing to enjoy your summer. Until next month - take care!
Carole Kolbe, Social Club President
Thank You:
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone who sent cards, called or inquired with Rob, concerning my recent surgery.
Thank you,
Barbara Spencer
Dear friends, and neighbors,
Mary and I would like to thank everyone who was so kind to us during my recent illness.
We appreciate all of the offers of help and the many "Get Well" cards. A special thanks to Loren & Evy Foote and Al Sumrall for our many trips to doctors, also to Frances Cox, Lucille Hurley and George Douglas for their assistance.
It was a special treat for us to enjoy our 4th of July dinner, thanks to the kindness of Rich & Peg Aniol.
Happy to say I am doing much better and getting stronger. Thanks again to everyone!
Mary & George Davidson
To our friends & neighbors,
We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your concern and kindness during Paul's recent surgery.
Your many cards, warm wishes, and goodies were greatly appreciated
Thank you all,
Paul & Jeanette Valentino
FYI: Donna & Ed Huber would like to share with Lakeside Terrace neighbors the latest update on Audrey Calhoun of 25 Lakeview Dr. received from her daughter Diana
"Mom was in the hospital again and was sent to Rochester for another stint placed in her pancreas. She had become jaundiced again and very ill.She is home again, and people may reach her at: 1003 Spruce Street, Olean,
New York 14760 (in care of me: Diana Calhoun). Mom seems to be in good
spirits and we have a lot of terrific people out there praying for her. She is eating, and we hope to have a family picnic in a couple of weeks. She tells everyone "hello" and all of you have been angels. Thank you for all being so close in thoughts and prayers.".
Word was received from Ft. Wayne, Indiana, that former Lakeside Terrace resident Irene Brunner passed away. The mailing envelope was dated July 2nd and the note said that Irene was on Hospice care.
Since Bingo has ended there hasn't been very much food to go to the Leesburg Food Bank. The basket and tub in the laundry room are checked weekly.
Also, the food bank will take donations of canned or pouches of dog and cat food. Sometimes people with pets don't have leftovers or scraps.
Janet Cutler
Lakeside Terrace residents Walt & Mary Karwasinski are the proud aunt & uncle of park ranger Fred Baker, who recently helped to save three people boating on the upper Niagara River. Read all about it in the article below:
Reef saves boater from falls disaster
By Mike Kurilovitch
NIAGARA FALLS - It will be an expensive lesson for a St. Catherines, Ont. man
whose motorboat got grounded on a reef off the eastern tip of Goat Island on Sunday.
But it could have been a lot worse.
The man his young daughter and his girlfriend were taking a cruise on. the upper
Niagara River on Sunday afternoon when they entered the danger zone above Niagara Falls, where boating is prohibited.
"He had no clue where he was," said a New York State Parks Police officer, noting that had the boat not become hung up on the sandbar, it would have been in the rapids within seconds.
The Parks Police rescue boat was deployed. However, a park maintenance worker and a park ranger managed to get a rope to the stranded boaters to pull their vessel into shore before tlie rescue boat could arrive.
All on board were unharmed; police said.
The operator was charged with reckless operation and endangering the welfare of a child. He also faces a hefty bill for having his boat removed from the tricky currents at Goat Island. Parks Police said they would probably have to enlist a crane or similar type equipment to remove the boat.
This year the 4th of July brought a special little firecracker to Jean Smith, her first great grandchild, a little boy who will be called "Hitch" congratulations Jean.
55 Lakeside Terrace residents enjoyed a 4th of July Dinner together in the clubhouse consisting of Chicken tenders, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Rolls & Butter, Apple Pie & Ice Cream and Watermelon. They were also treated to fresh home-baked bread by Lucile Hurley along with Betty Connolly's special Potato Salad and wonderful Deviled Eggs made by Doris Pluta. A pat on the back and applause to committee members, Rich & Peg Aniol, Norma Fudge, Edd & Carole Kolbe, Wally & Patty Voelker for a job well done. Our thanks to Evelyn Heinfeld our 50/50 lady and Allen Reeves for providing us with ice.
TRAVEL; Home alone for Christmas?
No place to go? Join some of your friends from Lakeside
Terrace on a Christmas Cruise.
Five day Christmas trip sailing ftom Port Canaveral, on the Royal Caribbean-"Sovereign of the Seas", December 22nd..
Ports of call: Nassau and Key West.
This is the last cruise you can make without a passport. Photo ID. and birth certificate are required.
Limited space available.
For further information call: MaryK:365-1131
- The birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.
-The trees are whistling for the dogs.
- The best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.
- Hot water now comes out of both taps.
- You can make sun tea instantly.
- You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron.
- The temperature drops below 95 and you feel a little chilly.
- You discover that in July it only takes 2 fingers to steer your car.
- You discover you can get sunburned through your car window.
- You actually burn your hand opening the car door.
- You break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m.
That's all for now folks, the news cut off date for future issues of the Seagull will be the 25th of the month.
Dorothy, Peg & Rich